Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Feminist Theory

The feminist Theory in my view focuses on inequality between the sexes. It shows that male was always the dominant sex in the family. This bring to light the fact that wife abuse, marital rape and child abuse is not new, because of the inequality between the sexes a man or husband could have sex with his woman or wife whenever he want and she was not in the procession to say no, because she is his property. I could recall an argument I had once with a male over the Wife rape law in the Bahamas and he was saying there should not be a law because a woman should not say no to her husband whenever he asks for sex. What I understand from this theory is that the theorist seeks to get some amount of rights for women, so that we could be able to function in an equal position as men. In my view women was seen as wife or stay home mom wash my cloth, cook my dinner and be ready to render sexual pleasure when I get home that was how women was seen in the eyes of man.

 There was a lot of discrimination along with the sexism; as I could recall women was not allow to practice medicine and if one try and get through they could not come first in the class even if she was first. She could not graduate with the class because a doctor was a man’s job not for women. In today’s world you still see a small amount of that discrimination display its ugly head every now and then; for example; Home economics is seen as a female subject and so a some father do not want their sons to do it. In some homes cleaning and washing dishes is believe to be a female job therefore some parent would allow their sons to do them. In some churches where women are ordain to the post as pastor there is still some discrimination going on because they view men only as leaders and some believe that a woman should not be call a pastor.

What I like about the theorist is the view that all people are created equal and should not be denied equality of opportunity because of gender. One critique is that feminism has taken the women rights too far and this has had harmful effects on marriages and children. In my opinion I don’t think so; I believe that because there is still a high level of male dominance so they still try to oppress women.  

Monday, 16 July 2012

Feminist Theory

Growing up I always say I am a feminist to the bone. I am of a belief that anything a man can do a woman will do it ten times better. I was totally unfair in my thinking because even if the woman was wrong she would be right for me. After doing this topic I got a better understanding of who a feminist is. A feminist; is anyone who advocates for women, whether it be man or woman, straight or gay. All along I thought only a woman could be a feminist. The feminist theory focuses on understanding a woman’s experiences. I believe that only a woman can tell you how she feels when she was sexually violated or when her husband hits her.  With the voice of feminists greater and stiffer penalties were imposed on men who assault women and children. Wives were seen as equal to their husband and not someone to wash, cook and clean for him and produce off springs. I am now happy that women can stand up for themselves and not cower when a man speaks. It is a pleasure for me to see women beating men, showing them “who a de boss”. One could say role reversal but to me, things and time has changed women are now fighting back.

Women of today now have greater gender equality and social construct. Women are no longer looked upon as the lesser being. Women no longer have to cower in corners or back of houses because she is afraid of her husband and father. I am happy that we the women of today are now liberated, we can now educate ourselves, pay half the bills, be prime ministers and many other things and still be a mother. Through language gender was socially defined. Gender role is now not based on biology but for what is supposed to be, both man and woman being equal. It was because of the feminist theory that consideration was given to the diversity of the different types of families such as single-parent, lesbian, gay families, stepfamilies and grand-parents-grandchild household. I personally believe that it does not matter the family type that you are coming from you should be still be seen as an individual as not be judged.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Feminist Family Theory

The feminist theory focuses on women’s rights and feelings. Here we see how females have been unfairly treated in the past. This even dates back to slavery. Different movements have fought for gender equality. This theory when compared with the structural functional theory considers single parent and other family forms so at least my family form would get some recognition. Some jobs which were once seen as male dominated jobs are been performed by females and they are very good at it. For example females are driving buses, operating heavy machinery, heading organizations and even heading parliament.  The prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica are females. These females have defied the odds to become leaders. Although women’s rights movements have liberated females in the church for example it is said that females should not be pastors or have any authority over the males however, if the male are not available someone needs to take charge. I have seen where a few of the young men are agreeing with this perception. 

In countries like Saudi Arabia females were recently allowed to drive and they are still deprived of so many things, here we can see that they are still oppressed by a system that does not acknowledge their rights.  In days gone by females were stuck with doing chores while the males could go and play with friends. Some guys still think that washing and cooking are female related task however this is not so anymore as both parties can share the house work.