Feminist Family Theory
The feminist theory focuses on women’s rights and feelings. Here we see how females have been unfairly treated in the past. This even dates back to slavery. Different movements have fought for gender equality. This theory when compared with the structural functional theory considers single parent and other family forms so at least my family form would get some recognition. Some jobs which were once seen as male dominated jobs are been performed by females and they are very good at it. For example females are driving buses, operating heavy machinery, heading organizations and even heading parliament. The prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica are females. These females have defied the odds to become leaders. Although women’s rights movements have liberated females in the church for example it is said that females should not be pastors or have any authority over the males however, if the male are not available someone needs to take charge. I have seen where a few of the young men are agreeing with this perception.
In countries like Saudi Arabia females were recently allowed to drive and they are still deprived of so many things, here we can see that they are still oppressed by a system that does not acknowledge their rights. In days gone by females were stuck with doing chores while the males could go and play with friends. Some guys still think that washing and cooking are female related task however this is not so anymore as both parties can share the house work.
I totally agreed with what you said Tamara, we women have defaied the odds. The Prime Minister of Jamaica is a woman. This goes to show that women were also born to lead not only follow.We are no longer left at home to cook, wash, clean and produce off springs. I must say I am sorry for the women living in the East as they are not yet liberated. I also must say thumbs up to the girl who got an annulment from an arranged marriage in India. She was one of the first to get an annulment. These womwn are on their way to liberation and gender equality. To all the men out there who are feminist thank you for fighting for our cause.