Thursday, 21 June 2012

Feminist Family Theory. What are your thoughts?


  1. Feminist Theory
    Feminist theory is concerned with how women are treated as subordinates of their male counterparts. It all started from colonial days where a woman’s work in the home was seen as of little or no worth. One of the things the feminist theorists were lobbying for was that a woman’s work in the home should be seen with greater values even though they aren’t getting paid for their work.
    Over the years more and more women are working outside of the home and some are even in more demanding jobs than their male counterparts. This is as a result of the social changes that are taking place in our society. Some jobs which were once seen as male or female dominated are now becoming heterogeneous. For example welding is considered to be a male’s job but now women are seen in that field. Gender inequality is slowly declining in our society today even though some persons will never change from the concept that they had. For example in the bauxite industry females were mostly employed to do office work or office attendant because they were seen as not able to manage the jobs in the field. However, this concept has being changing and more and more women are being given a chance to work in the fields. Reports came out in the weekly news link at Jamalco that the best welder on the plant is a female.
    The aspect of the theory that interest me most is the fact that the feminist theory do not see the nuclear family as an ideal family because they respect the fact that there are varied forms of family and all forms are considered important.

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    2. Interesting,who would have thought that a woman could have dominated an area such as welding.Women are now assuming more male dominated roles.For far too long our women are being oppressed.

  2. The feminist theory has helped us to understand family life and has been very instrumental in social change. The feminist theory likewise the conflict theory brings biases and inequality in the open. There are many misconceptions surrounding the feminist theory; many believe that feminists are lesbians who hate men. A feminist is not always a woman. Just about anyone can be a feminist; whether male or female; straight or gay. A feminist is therefore anyone who believes that men and women should have equal political, educational, economical and any other rights.
    There are many variations in the feminist theory however its main focus is on gender inequality. This theory highlights the male dominance and women’s oppressiveness in our society. The feminist theory has lent our eyes to several social societal problems such as wife abuse, marital rape, child abuse, and other forms of domestic violence. The feminist argues that women are being denied of many assertive or leading roles. It was the feminist theory that opened the eyes of the public thus afforded Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller her position. She was criticized but the feminist theory has helped to shape people’s perceptions of a woman’s role in society. For example when my grandmother was given a church to minister, everyone in and outside the family told her it’s not a woman’s role to preach. Now I know that my family had oppressed her also. In my family, the females’ were socialized around all the household chores while the males will work on the farm this was inequality and gender bias.

    1. Monessia I am in total agreement with you as we often confuse what a feminist is.One cannot know a feminist by looking at them, in the eyes of many people a woman/man cannot perform certain roles effectively, but I believe that if you are trained in a specific area then nothing can prevent you from doing a great job.

  3. the feminist theory shows us how females are treated compared to their male counterparts. gone are the days when female were only home makers while the male goes out to work. Better yet some jobs were seen as more male oriented are been taken over by females. Females are driving buses, heading organizations among other thing. females have been liberated and have taken theiir rightful place iin society.

  4. The feminist theory speaks about how men and women should behave in different situations. In the earlier years the traditional family home was one where the women stay home and take care of the children, wash, cook, clean and takes care of the home. The women were not highly appreciated for doing these jobs they were looked down on by their masters. The feminist theory now promotes support and recognition for women’s unpaid work. Activities men participated in were viewed as more important than those women participated in.
    As society changes, so does the role of women changes. Women are no longer seen as just housekeepers but they are seen in every aspect of society working. They are seen doing jobs that were once dominated by males. As gender equality continues to increase, more females are uplifting themselves and are performing far better than some of the males in areas they once dominated. As the feminist theorist believes that both males and females should be able to work in institutions such as church, politics, education and the family , in other words no job should be labelled as` a males job’ or `a female’s job’. An example of this is our very own Prime Minster Portia Simpson Miller who is the first female prime minister of Jamaica. If we should take a look at our politicians who participated in the last elections, you will note that there are a lot of women involved in politics. Even in the transport industry the buses owned by the Jamaica Urban Transit Company are operated by mostly women. There are a lot of women in St Ann who work on construction sites as masons. Soon one will no longer say “we are living in a man’s world”.
    Feminists believe in equality, being a feminist or agreeing with the feminist theorists does not determine ones sexuality. A woman doing a job that is male dominated should not be viewed as a lesbian, neither a man doing a job dominated by females be seen as gay.

    1. I certainly agree with you elicia. Women are now doing the "odd" job even in the construction field and politics. People are definitely saying "it woman time now". We are no longer living in a man's world.

  5. The Feminist Theory
    This theory shed light on how females were treated as opposed to their male counterparts. Gone are the day when females would just stay at home wash, cook ,clean and take care of the children while the husbands goes to work, a job that was seen invisible but with the help of the feminist this is no longer so. A mission that they had to use their knowledge to actively confront and ends the oppression of women and related patterns of subordinate based on social class, race age or sexual orientation.
    Because of that missions females are not dominating jobs that once were male dominated jobs like, welding, trailer drivers, mechanics, pastor and even prime minister, jobs that females dare not venture into are they would be punish. Top writer had to use male names as a disguise to write and publish books but because of to the social changes females are not being recognize for their worth.
    Am in total agreement with the feminist approach that recognizes females and their worth, this theory can be applied to my family, back in the early days of my father’s life he would go out to work yes as that was the norm back in those days, but apparently the social changes caught him off guard as my mother no longer stays at home but is now working out while my father stays at home at do the chores that once was my mother’s job.

    1. I agree with you because for too long women were placed on the back burner and men hold most recognized positions in society.


    Feminism theory is of the view that both male and female should have equal political, educational and family rights. I totally agree with this theory however, there have been misconceptions about feminism. Years ago I thought that only women are feminists. The feminism theory caters for all family types. This endorses equality between husband and wife.
    This theory applies to my family. In my family all members participate in the decision making process. In my family my mother would ensure that house duties were done by both boys and girls. This would ensure that all children were treated equally. On the other hand in my cousins family boys were not allowed to complete house duties, they were expected to take care of the animals.
    Some types of feminism are radical, global and liberal feminism. Radical feminism considers male domination a major cause of inequality between men and women. Global feminism focuses on how the intersection of gender with race and social class has exploited women in a developing world. Liberal feminism emphasizes social and legal reform design to create equal opportunities for both male and female. In my family I see the liberal feminism in place because boys and girls are treated equally. In my work family feminism is not present because only females are given the opportunity to be principal for the school. In this case gender inequality exists.
    I like this theory because it also deals with family violence and support stiffer penalties for men who abuse women and children.

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    2. I agree with you Heather,In early years females were looked down at, hence, the feminist theory has paved the way that helps to highlight the important roles that both gender plays within the society.Therefore equal respect should be shown to both females and males.

  7. Feminist Family Theory
    This theory focuses on gender issues. According to “Osmond and Thorne” 1993 the feminist perspective draws attention to women and their experiences. The concept associated with the theory where Women’s domestic work was not viewed as important but the feminist theories started treating the household labour with economic value. Nevertheless, a woman place was in the home; therefore she would be unpaid for the work done while only the men could do the paid jobs.
    Consequently the theory promote recognition and support for women’s unpaid work and is of the view that the house work and child care duties should be shared by both men and women to improve gender inequality in family life ; treat women concerns with respect . In addition the application of the theory has permitted people to see some things about families that have been overlooked before. In other words women now see the need to work outside of home and earning their own money and taking on the independent status. For e.g. my grandmother usually stays home and does the household duties plus look after her seven children while my grandfather would work and take home the food and the money required to provide for his family. However, my grandmother now sees the need to earn money outside of the home and she feel more comforted earning her own cash and spending it on whatever she wants to.
    On the other hand the mission of feminist theory is to use knowledge to actively confront and end the oppression of women and related patterns of subordination based on social class, race/ ethnicity, age, or sexual orientation.

  8. Feminist Theory

    The Feminist Theory is for the woman at large. In my family both my mother and father goes out and work. Even though my mother goes to work she has to perform all the household duties for the family or allocate duties to the children. Even when my mother and father leave work at the same time on their way home he would engage in a conversation about his dinner preferences. When they reach home my father heads straight in his bed with his remote. He lays and watches television while my mother makes dinner for them. She then dishes out his dinner and brings it to him. This shows where men’s activities are considered more important than women’s activities. Even though they are both coming home from work at the same time, my father believes that he would be more tired. This also indicates that my father had adopted the defined gender roles past on through society. Even though this has or is changing for the most part, society has divided labour activities regarding gender. Women play a more expressive role while men play an instrumental role.

    One goal of the feminist theory is to change gender bias that exists in society. Society was built by men for men. To get society to view men and women as equals in every sense of the word, great interventions must be done. Women are now becoming more independent and this has showed men that they are no longer reliant on them.

  9. Feminist Theory
    The feminist theory focuses on accepting a woman experience, then the family is understood. The theory further went on to express how women were marginalized in the society as women were seen has homemaker and their only place was in the home. The work that they did was of little value as it was not seen as paid job and job areas like politics were off limits to women. Male jobs were only seen as real jobs and of greater value. The theory now supports and recognises a women job which does not offer money at the end of the job.
    Things are changing has women have started gaining access into jobs that were normally considered male dominance. Jobs such as painters, doctors and lawyers but now women are taking over these professions. Gender inequality is now falling down and not as prevalent as before. Feminist theory not only speaks to gender inequality but problems such as sexism, racism and classism. What I like most about this theory feminism is that it considers all family type important as most theory sees only the nuclear family as important.
    I totally support with this theory were the support of women and their value are of much importance. My grandmother had never worked outside the home she had to stay home and do the house chores and my grandfather was the one who worked outside. In the next generation which is my mother’s generation they worked along with their spouses so the gender inequality within the family was broken.

  10. In some societies there are gender issues the expectations regarding the proper behaviour, attitudes and activities of males and females are different. They expect females to “speak and walk” a certain way males are expected do certain jobs. They think that a man should be tough and a female soft and tender. These expectations are changing females are now doing jobs that were considered to be male jobs example working on construction sites and males becoming nurse.
    If a male is “trim and proper” society sees him as a homosexual but this may not be the case. In some institution for example the schools some teachers will pay more attention to the girl while others pay attention to the boys, they will call on this individual for everything. According to Rebecca West (1983) most persons are feminist she thinks that if you belief that both sexes should have equal say then you are a feminist, that means I am considered a feminist. I belief that no job is made for any sex as long as you can manage it, and can do it well then you should go ahead a do it.
    In years gone by a male and a female doing the same job and the male receives higher salary than the female, this is not so anymore as individuals are now being paid according to their qualifications.
    The feminist theory believes that everyone is equal no matter the race and sex everyone must be treated the same. In my family there is no male role or female role everyone work to achieve one goal.
